Loa combines street food with the typical flavours and ingredients of traditional recipes from many cultures. In the discovery of these cultures, many beautiful stories arose. The people from Loa who have become very good friends wanted to tell these stories. And to bring them to life we chose to combine interview style video with animation.
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Art direction
Producers: Anthony Nti, Chingiz Karibekov & Remy Ndow
Dop: Ferianmtt
Stories: Goua Grovogui

I always imagine Loa being a place you go with friends on a nice summer day when it’s too nice out to go inside and cook. This feeling needed to be in the illustration, I did this by showing all types of people coming together to celebrate great food. The colour palette is made out of pastel and vibrant colours that call to mind that summer day. Putting the stories in a world you want to be.

The things that inspired me and the design choices I made.

Everyone that has walked into Loa knows the staff is like a family and when you walk in you’re part of that family. When you’re with people you’re close to you either tell stories or you go through things together which later become great stories you tell each other. We decided to tell those Loa stories to new people online and in that way make them part of the family.

More important than the views and comments where the real-life reactions of people. When entering people mentioned the Loa Stories to their friends, asking the staff to tell them, first-person. They now knew what the wall painting was about and they liked to share that little Loa trivia. And since we don’t shy away from some bragging every now and again here are the video stats: 25k organic video views, 1000 reactions, 100+ comments, 100+ shares, lots of new followers! See you soon at Loa 🙂