Encompass Films, a production company from Los Angeles, reached out to me with an exciting opportunity: to collaborate on their latest documentary about the extraordinary John Francis, the man who walked across America in silence. This captivating film delves into the remarkable journey of John Francis, who, after witnessing the devastation of his hometown by an oil spill, made a profound vow to never use motorized vehicles again. The documentary chronicles the life and times of this inspiring environmentalist, offering a deep and moving exploration of his commitment to sustainability and silent protest.

Encompass Films

Contribution (animated scenes)
Animation Direction
Art direction
Motion graphics

Produced byย 
Nadia Gill
Michael Fearon

Cinematography by
Dominic Gill

Film editing by
Niq Lewis

Animation Department
Remy Ndow

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Have you ever studied someone's walk?

Well, I have. ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚๏ธ John Francis has a walk that’s so distinct, we knew it had to be just right. To capture it, I spent hours studying footage of him walking from different angles, sketching each step, and even mimicking his stride myself. Every subtle movement mattered in bringing his personality to life.

If you have any questions about this project, Donโ€™t hessitate to ask!

cover art brown boy joy
gemmel moore & timothy dean documentary